Today we celebrate occupational pensions day!
Occupational pension day is always celebrated on 27 September and this year it is celebrated for the twelfth time. The purpose of Occupational Pensions Day is to draw attention to the importance of occupational pensions for the future pension. Getting an occupational pension means that you get extra money paid into your pension.
You who are employed at Volvo or at former Volvo companies have, in addition to your normal occupational pension, also an additional occupational pension – Volvo Företagspension. It is a valuable benefit and an important part of your future pension. Volvo Företagspension is managed by us at VFF Pension. Your employer pays money into your Volvo Företagspension as long as you are still employed. If you want to increase the provision for your Volvo Företagspension, it is also possible to convert time bank hours to Volvo Företagspension via your time reporting. Please read more about conversion of time bank hours and Volvo Företagspension at https://www.vffpension.se/ foretagspension/tidbanksvaxling/
If you want to know more about your occupational pension and get tips and advice about your future pension, you will find lots of good information on the avtalat.se page, where you can also get guidance about your occupational pension in the form of checklists, “Plan your pension” for workers, Agreed advisory service for civil servants as well as downloadable material for in-depth study.
To celebrate Occupational Pensions Day avtalat.se has collected all of its webinars on occupational pensions in one place, where you can choose the one that suits you best! You can find the webinars here.
Also take the opportunity to read about Tjänstepensionensdag and get even more tips, at https://tjanstepensionensdag.se/